In the sector where we operate, the year 2024 could be considered an ‘almost’ astral conjunction.
An astral conjunction refers to the simultaneous positioning of two celestial bodies having the exact celestial longitude relative to a third body.
Considering the world of instrumentation as this third body, we find that the positions of the two brands, VALCOM and SPRIANO, are not precisely the same but undoubtedly remarkable.
Valcom has reached 50 years of history, and Spriano has reached 100 years. With a bit of physical-mathematical license, we might define it as a conjunction of multiples.
For this ‘almost,’ but also beyond.
There are many candles to blow out for TERRANOVA in honor of two of its leading brands. A pride not only dictated by the group’s robustness, capable of reorganizing during periods of expansion and market contraction, but also by the desire for the Italian industry to maintain productive realities on the territory able to provide higher quality responses and services.
“We do not want to be considered merely in terms of our past, but we are proud of what we are and where we come from. Our heritage is the culture we have built over the years, based on experiences and values that we do not want to forget.” [Sergio Valletti, Managing Director]
For this incredible occasion, two celebrative logos have been developed that would be used for our next campaigns:

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